Dear Legacy Community,
it is with great pride that we are presenting you the updated Legacy Rising Roadmap.
You can look forward to exciting events, classic content and never seen before fun!
Dear Legacy Community,
it is with great pride that we are presenting you the updated Legacy Rising Roadmap.
You can look forward to exciting events, classic content and never seen before fun!
Dear Legacy Community,
we have seen with increasing concern, that players abuse 1 star trades to be safe while hunting job uniques, farm in job temple or have a player res during caravan/ job fight.
This is considered job abbuse and will be strictly punished!
We consider the following activities job abbuse:
- 1 star to farm in job temple
- 1 star in caravan or job fight to res/buff/support players
- 1 star at job uniques to stay protected
We will enforce the following punishments for anyone abusing:
- First abuse: 7 day job ban
- Second abuse: 3 day account ban
- Third abuse: 7 day account ban
- Fourth abuse: perma ban
These bans will apply to all associated accounts of the abusing player.
Reports for this will need to contain a min. 1 min video through a discord ticket!
Dear Legacy Community,
Together with our Streamer apace96 we are planning a fun event on Friday 19.01.2024 at 7 pm CET.
The event consists of 2 parts and will have 20 winners!
Part 1: Hunt uniques and qualify for race event
- We will spawn 20 level 1 uniques across the map
- Everyone to kill a unique will get 3x 130 Movement Speed scrolls (only one kill per person; if you kill more than one unique you are disqualified for part 2)
- The first 7 players will qualify for the race event
Part 2: Race event
- The first 7 Players will get a unique name from Apace96 under which to create a new lvl 1 char
- The chars will join a party with Apace and that starts the 1h grind race - of course live commentary from Apace in his stream
- Places 5-4: Will receive one pack of Reverse Return Scrolls
- Places 3-2: Will receive a pack of Special reverse return scrolls
- Place 1 will receive a Weapon Skin Changer
Server inspection, D10 T1, Devils Garden improvement will happen on Monday 15.01.204 around 10pm-11:30pm CET.
Autoequip update will take place 22.01.2024 from approx. 9pm-11pm CET.
The Fortress War is the weekly battle for the strongest Guild and Unions to test their strength and determine who is the most powerful. It takes a lot of skill from each individual player and the leaders have to be masters of strategy to emerge victoriously from this battle.
The winning Guild / Union of the fortress war can look forward to enjoy great advantages. Not only will the city tax allow the winner to collect additional funds, but the production facilities inside the fortress allow the guild to produce valuable items. Furthermore, the Fortress War Dungeon allows the guilds to battle powerful monsters and help guild members to reach the max level.
As promised, we will reward the guild to winning the Fortress War Event with $1000 in cash. The guild can decide to have it paid out in cash or in silks. To make the battle as fair as possible we will reset the Fortress War (incl. any Fortress War items that would give an advantage) on 03.02 and the big fight will start fair for every guild.
Who will emerge victoriously?
The Legacy community is growing continuously and we are proud of it! To make it easier for new players to catch up and quickly reach the end game, everyone reaching a new degree can obtain a SOS +3 weapon. This will apply from D1 to D7. By providing a powerful weapon to every new char, new players have the chance to enjoy the unique grinding experience in Legacy Rising while catching up quickly. Enjoy the high chance of SOX drops and enhanced items up to +7, profit from the high alchemy rate to improve your set on the run all while being sure that you have a very strong weapon. Keep in mind that the unique SOX balance in Legacy Rising ensures that SOS is better than T3 equipment!
For the best progress, remember to start doing the Togui FGW runs starting from level 35 to collect your Talismans and obtain a D8 SOM weapon of your choice and 150k SP! Your D9 SOM weapon and an additional 150k SP can be obtained from the Flame Mountain FGW.
If you die in any dungeon (i.e., FGW, Devils Garden) DO NOT teleport back to town immediately. In case you use any skill or pet that applies dmg over time while you are dead and a monster dies when you are not in the dungeon instance you will not be able to complete your run. Always wait a couple of seconds before teleporting back to town in a dungeon run to avoid this issue!
Server inspection completed
The first update of 2024 on Legacy Rising has been completed. Thank you for your patience.
We are excited to present Devils Garden and many other changes to you!
Devils Garden
Job Balance
Drop rates
Exp Rates
Item mall changes
Other changes
Legacy Flag Instructions
Creating a Legacy Flag
Using a Legacy Flag Blue Changer
Possible Legacy Flag Blues
Your Legacy Flag can have up to 4 lines of blues. Each line can have the following parameters:
This means if you get lucky you can get up to e.g., 20 STR or INT on your Flag.